Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Our Language Assistant

This is Caitlyn, our Language Assistant this year.

She is American and she comes from Massachussets. She is a very friendly and caring person, and she adapted very well to our school and our costumes from the beginning.

Her main function as a Language Assistant is to encourage students to use the English language, improve students' pronunciation and let them know about American culture and history.
She is also involved in conversation lessons in the evenings in our school.
Both, students and teachers adore her.

Friday, 11 September 2009

Welcome to our first Bilingual School Year

     Comenzamos este nuevo curso con mucha ilusión ya que recibimos a nuestra primera sección bilingüe, un grupo de treinta estudiantes que recibirán enseñanza bilingüe en las asignaturas de música, matemáticas, ciencias sociales y naturales, además de contar con tres horas semanales de segundo idioma.
     Y así como el año pasado nuestra auxiliar de conversación, Lery, colaboró con nosotros impartiendo clases de conversación no sólo por las mañanas, sino también en clases extraescolares, y elaborando material para nuestro proyecto, este año contaremos con la ayuda de Caitlyn Kaine, una chica americana que se incorporará al centro a principios de octubre.
    Welcome to a thrilling school year!

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Bilingual Education in La Rambla

Recently we have had a meeting with the parents of our future students coming from the two primary schools in La Rambla, Alfar and Cruz Verde. As in previous years, we have informed about the characteristics and activities of our school. However, this year we have focused on our Bilingual Project since next year we are receiving our first bilingual section and we want parents to be well informed of what bilingual education is.
Here is the presentation for those who couldn't attend the meeting or who want to see it in more detail.
If you have any doubt, don't hesitate to contact us.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

English Theatre in our School

We are pleased to announce our students' next performance in English, that will be on May, 29th.
This year we have chosen another play by Shakespeare, As you like it. Most of the play takes place in the Forest of Arden, where the heroine, Rosalind, escapes together with her cousin Celia and Touchstone, a jester, to find safety and, eventually love.
We hope you enjoy the play.

Thursday, 22 January 2009

Formación en Centros

Hacia una educación bilingüe: elaboración del currículum integrado de lenguas.
On January 14th, 15th and 22nd we have attended the bilingual training sessions. The first two sessions focused on the elaboration of the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Curriculum). Victor Pavón Vázquez, a Professor at the University of Córdoba and a member of the comission that has recently elaborated the Integrated Curriculum of Languages, gave us very useful ideas and contributions for our project.
And as the bilingual project is closely related to the ICT (Information and Comunication Technologies), our ICT coordinator, Manuel Ángel Jiménez has taught us how to make the most of computers and the Internet for our bilingual lessons.
I hope you have enjoyed the training. Now... it's our turn, so shoulders to the wheel!

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

IV Encuentro Regional de Formación para el Plurilingüismo

The Regional Meeting on Plurilingual Education has taken place in Granada the 17th and 18th of November. Lola Carmona, our music teacher and Rosa García, our bilingual coordinator, have attended this meeting together with coordinators and teachers of non-linguistic areas from all over Andalusia.

It has been a wonderful experience since we have learnt lots of things regarding our bilingual project, especially the design of the so famous 'content and language integrated curriculum'. But the most interesting thing has been meeting other teachers and sharing ideas and experiences. We are back with lots of ideas to put into practice, so, get ready to work hard !!!

Our most sincere congratulations to the organizers of the event.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Our Trip to London

Last summer, our headmaster and the bilingual project coordinator (that is me!) took a group of students of 2nd y. of bachillerato to London. Leaving apart certain travel anecdotes ..., we spent five wonderful days visiting this unique city: its monuments, bridges, museums, famous streets...
It was an unforgettable journey!