Thursday, 22 January 2009

Formación en Centros

Hacia una educación bilingüe: elaboración del currículum integrado de lenguas.
On January 14th, 15th and 22nd we have attended the bilingual training sessions. The first two sessions focused on the elaboration of the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Curriculum). Victor Pavón Vázquez, a Professor at the University of Córdoba and a member of the comission that has recently elaborated the Integrated Curriculum of Languages, gave us very useful ideas and contributions for our project.
And as the bilingual project is closely related to the ICT (Information and Comunication Technologies), our ICT coordinator, Manuel Ángel Jiménez has taught us how to make the most of computers and the Internet for our bilingual lessons.
I hope you have enjoyed the training. Now... it's our turn, so shoulders to the wheel!